Delivery of this product:
If the product is marked "in stock", we have this product in our warehouse. Usually, the product is shipped within 1 day after the order is placed.
If the product is marked "on order", we do not have the product in stock, but it is in stock at our supplier. Please contact us for more information about delivery.
Delivery Czech Republic
Czech Post - The basic price of delivery by post is 155 CZK (Shipping time +/- 2 days)
Zasilkovna - The basic price of delivery byZasilkovna is 85 CZK (Shipping time +/- 1 day)
Delivery to a specific address - The basic price of delivery is 105 CZK (Shipping time +/- 2 days)
Ordering and delivery in Slovakia
Currency change to EURO:
n the upper right corner of our e-shop you can easily change the currency to Euro or set everything up in the shopping cart. If you have changed, you just need to select the goods and place the order.
Czech Post - The basic price for delivery by post is 7€
Zasilkovna - The basic price of delivery by Zásilkovna is 5€
All other important information can be found in the separate articles at the bottom of the page.